Wednesday, June 05, 2013

A Kung Fu Actress got a Tan Sri


This year's Agong Honour's list caught alot of people by surprise. Unlike previous investiture, the customary Ministers and civil servants would fill the honours list. Many of them seem to have a penchant for repeat performances practically every year. One would think the recipient had done an extraordinary job in the execution of their duties. But some have been even lucky to receive the hinorary title even before embarking on any distingusih career.

One recent surprise recipient was the young son of MCA President Chua Tee Yong.. Hardly knocking thirty he was catapulted to contest his father's seat of Labis when the latter resigned his Minister and Parliament post over his sordid porno episode.In quick time, his father struck a bargain with Najib and the young protege was duly appointed a Deputy Minister.And in double quick time the young upstart was given a Datukship from malacca maybe perhaps for his boyish smile.

But the last week was really a surprise for the newly minted second time round Agong.In one stroke of his pen or was he adviced by Putrajaya, two distinguish gentlemen and a fame kung Fu exponent actress was awarded a distinguish Tan Sri and Datukship tittle. But what took many by surprise was the rain of villification accorded to the chinese Kung Fu exponent, Michelle Yeoh for her Tan Sri award. The remarks directed at her was pure vitrolic and full of hatred. Some calling her a bitch and a prostitute.The other two, Zang Toi and Jimmy Choo was unscathed by any disparage comments and was well received.

Many people attributed the adverse response to her fervent support for Najib and B.N. But then , this should not be the primary reason because supporting a party of your choice is an inherent right of a budding democracy.

My two cents worth is that Michelle Yeoh's profession in chinese culture and tradition are not worthy of any acclaim. Singers and actresses in chinese scale of respect is a lowly one. In fact it is an established fact of a singers and actress life to sleep their way on a director's couch in order to advance their career.That explains the low respect accorded to singers and actresses.. A famous tale often told was the story of the love life of the fame singer Theresa Teng. At the height of her singing fame she felt in love and was imminently poised to wed the son of a Hong Kong billionaire.. The matriach 's family made one conditon for Theresa Teng to abandon her flourishing fame career before she could marry her son.She opted not to comply with the condition and the rest was history. She continued her singing career with an aging caucasian lover and died under circumstances that could have been avoided had she lived and married the billionaire son.

Michelle Yeoh's current love life have not endeared herself to her many cinema goers fans. Her present and continuing romp with an aging podgy caucasian more fame for his wealth than anything else does not help to elevate Michelle's reputaion.And her continuing illicit fling with the caucasian Jean Todt has perhaps caused an explosion of disparaging remarks that is now flooding the social media.

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