Saturday, June 02, 2012

Malaysia Will Never ever Be a Developed Nation.

To be a deveoped nation in 8 years time is a far fetch dream.But our present leaders espoused the dream as if that goal can be that time.

After more than 100 years after the American civil war , they now have a black man as the U.S President.. In India, with a population of 90% Hindus, they have a sikh man as their President. Obama and Mamohan Singh share one common denominator. They are a miniority in the country where they are elected to the highest office.These two leaders were elected not because of their religion nor because of their race but they were elected because they were extraordinary persons with extraordinary talent.. Talent that could bring the country to dizzing height of sucess. Both accomplished their goals and vindicated  their election to their office. Obama managed to eliminate Osama Bin Laden, and Mamohan Singh brought India to unprecedented economic development.
While all these events are happening in this millenium, Malaysia is still mired in the debate that our country will continue to ensure that the next P.M will be a muslim malay..Yes, both side of the political divide has agreed that status quo will remain.Both B.N and Pakatan will continue to travel the same route that we had used for the last 54 years.A malay muslim will continue to helm this country no matter who takes over the reign of govt.
It seems regretably that after a span of 54 years we have still not moved away from the bondages of race and religion. Times have changed, countries have changed but for Malaysia, it seems time did not stood still, but we have regressed to a dark period where race and religion still matters.

Does it not seem odd that we should still prefer to be governed by crooks who would not hesitate  to plunder the nation's coffers rather than elect someone who is honest and posesses quality of leadership.? Are this not qualities that we seek and vital for a country to progress and develop?Or do we still prefer crooks who are malay muslims to be our leaders?If that is the criteria to be elected  as a leader for this country then this country is doomed.
Why have we not learned from History? Were we not told that those who dont learn from history are bound to repeat the same mistake?Let us examine some of the present facts. From Indonesia to the middle East where countires are governed by predominantly muslim leaders the scenario is errily similar. The muslim Presidents or despotic feudal rulers are all corrupt.They principally share one common trait. They are corrupt to the hilt. They have no qualms accumulating private wealth from their positions as rulers and Presidents.All these countries suffer the same consequences. The few leaders are wealthy while the mass lives in abject poverty.. This only lead to one inevitable solution. Arab Spring.

Malaysia can neither progress nor can we achieved  develop status if we continue to adopt this myopic way of selecting our leaders.We want the best to lead our nation and we want honest leaders who will accumulate wealth for the nation's coffers and not for his own personal self. We must  therefore adhere to what President of China once espoused. We dont care whether the cat is black or white as long as it catches the mice.

1 comment:

HardTruth said...

After reading few of your articles, I could not agree more than what you said on we will never be a developed country if we are still racially divided.. I always believe that a good thing must have come from a person to change the view of the world.. I think you must have not seen yourself in the mirror lately when you against racism but in actual fact you are one.. Dont bother publish this comment because I dont think you are men enough to face the hard truth!