Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Malaysian Education system better than U.S and U.K?

Muhyiddin should be a comedian rather than a federal Minister. What on earth was he thinking when he said Malaysian Education system is better than U.S and U.K. If that is his correct opinion then may we ask why are we spending millions to sponsor our students to have their education in U.S and U.K? Surely it would be a waste of public expenditure if we have to send our students overseas when they can have a better education locally.
The trouble with our education system is because we have so far incompetent minister to helm our education ministry. The present and past ministers just dont have a clue why malaysians of all denominations are abandoning national schools and opting for vernacular schools. Malays alone account for about 60,000 who have enrolled in chinese vernacular schools.
Its about time we have a leader who can have the intestinal fortitude to say we should just leave religion at home and not bring it to schools. Religious prayers of any kind should only done at home and not in schools.On a wider scale, religion should even be totally divorce from the govt.departments. How private citizens wish to conduct their lives and how they wish to worship which religion should be the decision of the individual. State and Federal laws should not encroach on the private domain.. If only we have a leader who can say enough is enough and allow individual to be free in choosing their religion without any influence from any quarters. If that can be achieved, Malaysia would be a better place to live.

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