Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I refer to Malaysiakini's article by Manjit Bhatia 'PKR's only policy is 'MAD' '.

Like most political pundits we have, sadly most of them including this writer does not know what is actually happening on the ground. As a result alot of garbage like this article is printed and dessiminated. To say that PKR is listing and and perhaps by implication that it is about to sink is exagerating the truth. PKR is as strong as never before. At the moment it is merely cleansing the party of those who joined to obtain power and position. After this cleansing period PKR will be stronger than ever before. Every Malaysians with abit of intelligence can see that Malaysia is on its way to destruction if we allow the present govt to remain in power.In fact it will be sheer madness to even allow it to continue for another term. The writer of this article doesnt seem to comprehend the dire consequences Malaysians are facing and to say that majority have abandoned PKR to go back to the devil is purely a figment of the writer's imagination without an iota of truth.

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