Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Armed Forces To buy Three Support Ships For $2.2 billion.

Are we living in an area that is prone to disaster ? The tsunami that occurred some years back was the only catrasthropic event that took place after some hundred years ago. so why is our armed forces spending $2.2 billion of taxpayers money to purchase three support ships that will only be used to 'provide faster humanitarian aid and disaster relief' The pertinent question we should be concerned is how often do we encounter such humanitarian crisis that requires the service of such support ships? If we only encounter such crisis once in a hundred years surely we dont need such sophisticated support ships on a standby basis waiting for a disaster to happen. $2.2 billion is certainly alot of taxpayers money that could be put to better use.

It seems quite in vogue for the Defence Ministry to conjure fancy schemes to use taxpayers money to purchase items that are a waste of public expenditure. Have the defence ministry given a thought as to what these support ships would be doing in the abscence of any disaster? Most likely the whole project would end up being a white elephant.

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