It is quite common on the 8.oo o clock prime time news to see police raiding a prostitute den or a massage parlour.In full view of prime time viewers, the police seem to take particular delight in the successful apprehension of the pimps and prostitutes. If only they could display similar enthusiasm in apprehending murderers and rapist which have become so prevalent in every neighbourhood.
Practically every day we hear of innocent victims of snatch thieves , of robbbers of rapists and yet the police are spending valuable time arresting prostitutes and pimps. The police seem to have their priorities wrong. Prostitutes and pimps do not threatened the safety and security of ordinary citizens but murderers and rapists do. So why dont the police go after the murderers and rapists rather than spending valuable resources going after prostitutes and pimps.?
Further, with workers both legal and illegal in our country, these bachelor foreign workers are here without their wives. They need an outlet for their sexual urges and these prostitute dens serve as a conduit for them to release their primitive urges. If the police eradicate their only source of sexual outlet the ramification is that they will resort to raping of innocent victims who could be wives, daughters, sisters of Malaysian citizens.So please PDRM, dont think eradicating the problems will solve all your problems. Most likely it will only create a more serious crime scene.
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