Friday, July 24, 2009

B.N's Last Walk

UMNO exit from the seat of power has been expedited. This will be B.N's last walk in the corridors of power.The events of the last few days have taken a pivotal turn and Najib could be the shortest UMNO's president to be the Prime Minister of Malaysia.Thanks to MACC who made all this possible.

The groundswell of anger and bitterness at the institutition which acted in a manner to topple the Pakatan Rakyat govt was overwhelming. People who have unwavering supported the B.N govt has now decided at last that we now need a change in order to reform.It has become obvious that B.N's 50 years of being in the govt has corrupted all the instituition which form the pillar of a democratic nation.

Finally, the act that MACC did was an act that will finally nail the coffin of the B.N. The only way B.N can reform is to exit from the seat of power and to spend sometime to reflect on its past mistakes.And with some wisdom and past experience maybe it can make a comeback at some late date.Farewell B.N .We expected you to go after March 8th, but we didnt expect it to be so soon.

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