Monday, April 06, 2009

Muhyiddin Need to Change His Mindset.

Tan sri Muhyiddin's statement that chinese voters are ungrateful by voting for Pakatan Rakyat clearly shows that the mentality of UMNO leaders have not changed despite the march 8th electoral debacle.By throwing monetary assistance to chinese schools during election times, Muhyiddin naively thinks that the chinese electorates should be grateful and give their votes to B.N.

For the last 50 years that strategy worked because the chinese people trusted their MCA representative who told them that it was the correct thing to do.But MCA betrayed the chinese people .MCA leaders failed to elevate the position of the chinese and were merely contented with their ministerial posts and the honofiric title that went with it.And that certainly explain why MCA can no longer claim to represent the chinese people.With only 15 Parliament seats in mostly malay majority areas as opposed to DAP's 28 Parliament seats in chinese populated areas it would be correct to say that DAP is the voice of the chinese people.

Chinese schools had to survive mainly on public donations and once in a while if there is a bye-election in their area they were given token donations in order to secure chinese votes.Muhyiddin should be aware by now that such political bribery to obtain votes by giving donations during election time is now no longer tenable.The money disbursed are from taxes collected from the tax payers and Mahathir himself acknowledged that 90% of the taxpayers are chinese.So giving back money to chinese schools are not something they should be grateful for.As a matter of fact, such allocations for chinese schools should have been mandatory and given without any strings attached.The chinese are now wiser. They will take whatever that is given but there is no guarantee that they will give their votes in return.There is no trickery on the part of the chinese as claimed by Muhyiddin.They just merely accepted what was given and voted in accordance with their belief as to who deserve their votes.

Muhyiddin would do well to change his mindset that by throwing some crumbs to the chinese electorates they would in return be obliged to vote for him.The chinese people have no interest to be King maker or to have any political power. All they want is to effect some political change so that all Malaysian citizens irrespective of race and religion can have an equal stake in this country of ours.

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