Friday, December 03, 2004

Paradise For Believers and terrorists.

I wish to comment on mohammad's article on ;'Fires of
hell for unbelievers'. I cannot believe that in this
day and age we still have prehistoric beings like
Mohammad in our planet.I thought creatures like him
have been extinct for quite some time but alas when I
read his article that all non- believers have one way
traffic to hell, I cannot help but agree that if
heaven is for the likes of him then i would be quite
happy to be in hell .
Does Mohammad seriously believe that God
in his wisdom would totally exclude one billion people
in China, One billion people in India, a few hundred
million in the american continent, a few hundred
million in the European continent to the gates of
heaven because they are non believers?By his own
assertion and logic god would welcome with open arms
terrorists who behead innocent civilians and suicide
bombers who killed at random just simply because they
accept Allah as their God?
Well Mohammad, if that is God's criteria to enter
into the pearly Gate of heaven then you and your
terrorists friends can have your paradise. As for me I
would prefer to be with my non-believers friends in
fires of hell.

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