Friday, July 27, 2012

Time To Change Our Govt.

Everything this govt does now is merely an attempt to secure another term of office..That is totally contrary to the principle that a govt's duty is to provide good governance not doling out money in order to buy votes from the rakyat. The irony of it all is that Najib himself said that a good govt should not be doling out goodies and promises and yet for the past year he has been precisely doing that. That gesture of Najib has certainly not lost on the urban intelligentsia who has been quick to comment that this only once again reveal Najib's hypocritical character. Saying one thing and doing exactly the opposite.

The country is facing an unprecedented financial catastrophy with its borrowing reaching a critical level of 49.8% when the maximum allowed under the constituition is only 50% of GDP. And amidst such a gloomy scenario the country's Deputy Finance Minister can give an assurance that everything is hunky dory and fine.

Such is the dire straits our country is facing and if the situation is not reversed the only realistic possibility would be another Greece debacle. Malaysians of all creed , race and religion must awake from their 54 years of slumber and change this govt which no longer can reform itself.Otherwise this country is doomed.

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